And yeah... it is a pinkeep... with all the pins stuck around it...but am still not sure of the use/purpose of this thing...
If its a place to keep pins... it doesn't make sense with mine... i had a hard time trying to push the pins in.... and once its there, its almost permanent...
But, if its meant to keep the pins there forever... then it does make sense..
I also made it into a scissors' pocket so that we can keep our scissors there, obviously....(what am i saying??...please bear with me..)
By the way... the pattern is Mary Garry's Sewing Cabin.... i love the wacky hair makes me smile just looking at it....
So, that is what your hair is going to look like if you stitch too much!!!hahaha..
Thanks to the quality of the pictures...i bet you guys cannot pin-point the imperfections of my finishing....
Kak Da..Me truly loves yr babling..mcm kena cucuk2 me gelak taww..syiok..
Btw...the multipurpose pinkeep pun cung..Popok habaq yg tu Acik Index punyer..ada betul ka?..ekekeek
Kak Da....the pinkeep cum da scissor it..
tergelak ye index.....
popok tu tak pandai baca... ce tengok nama sapa stitch kat situ?
salmi....thank you for the nice words... :D
wow..superb la ka da nye new project tu....bravo!!!
That sure is a lovely scissor pocket!
Nak tanya skeet, can I get a copy of Mary Garrry's Sit &Sew ...i think it's a freebie.
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