Last weekend my dream came true.... with the help of my dear hubby we managed to make my DIY craft stand, stands proudly (thus the name, eh?)...
took us 3-4 days to complete...
Day 1...
hunting for materials and wood cutting and sanding the surfaces...sanding took a few hours...i did it manually with the help of my lil gal...
Day 2...
relax day....well... drilling is not what i can tackle on my own yet...and hubby was not free.....
Day 3...
drill, drill, drill until we can see smoke coming out from the holes...hehehe
then, putting everything together....not an easy task.. as the holes we drilled are not big enough for the bolts...reasons...we dont have the right drill bits...
Day 4...
still trying to fix this and make the clamp mouth work...i got sore fingers from handling the bolts, nuts and screws...
but all the hard work paid off... we are so proud of ourselves....
look..everybody craft stand, STANDS!!! And it works...(tho' it wobbles a little..)
oh... i added that pattern holder and a pincushion to make my life easier.. i need a place to hang my scissors too....hmmm...

Note: My gratitute to Mus, Lindt and Dania...guys, you made this project possible..
Da, good work!Now I want to make one too but alas I am not good at carpentry.. LOL
Thank you Min... i know nuts about carpentry too, but when saw Dania doing it, i just want to give it a try...good luck, dear..
congrats Da, so got a nick name for him ? It's a gud idea too for adding chart holder n pincushion to yr craft stand.
Thank you azie....hehehe.
Have you got yourself a dino?...if not, boleh cuba bertukang...can ask dania for advise... better still boleh order terus from mus .... muraaah...:D
I juz got my original dino from hubby for my belated besday gift. yet to paste it to my blog laa.. do u hv a clear picture of your dino, i nak tgk part chart holder tu laa.. nak suruh my hubby add chart holder
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