Puasa nanti, i have to jahit baju raya pulak... quite a handful tho'... for me and my girl sepasang dua... for my 2 boys sepasang sorang(part ni yang lemahnya...baju melayu cekak musang!! adeh..) And...i have a this big angan2 too... this year i want to make one for dear hubby... never in my life have i make one for him... always tempah jer...
Well...lets see if i can do all that... from past experiences... last2 nanti, i just jump to Plan B.... baju melayu tu, beli jer Ready Made....huhuhu..
Oppst... melencong jauh plak from SAL update...
Since i didnt post an update last month, here are some pictures i took about a month ago... special location...tu Dataran Merdeka tau...MERDEKA!!
And this one i took this morning.... before the frogging is done on the right... Now the mistake is rectified... thank god....
oh ya... this is our new family... Si Budak Cicak... dah macam2 nama we gave him... but we end up calling him Budok... memang noti budok ni... abis dia tackel makcik2 tu semua..Sangquity, Anakonda and Buttercup..
Okay... salam to all my dear friends... love you all... muahs!..
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