Well..i am not exactly a Twilighter... but Tasha got this book from big brother for her birthday.... out of curiosity, i kidnapped the book before she finished the first chapter...(quite a decent book for a 10 year old)
haha....took me only 3 days(and nights) to finish it...
At that time... i haven't actually seen the movie...Twilight yet... not in full at least... the only time i saw it was on my flight from Heathrow to Cairo last June... but only for half part of it... it was quite frustrating then but i forgot about it until i read this book New Moon...
Again... courtesy of my son... i got to watch the the movie... a lot of it...i don't know how many time...hahaha
well... that is some kind of confession i guess...
Anyway.... up until now... i have read New Moon for the second time and then continued with book 3..Eclipse... and last night i just finished book 4...Breaking Dawn....
Huh...talk about marathon... i haven't been doing much else...
Now only i can sleep easy and proceed on my other projects....sewing and all..
So... anyone out there...anything like me?... i hope not....it is not very healthy... but then again that is how i am with books...i will not wait until i can find free time to continue...
ok...now i am in for some spoilers....for those who haven't read all the Twilight Saga books and plan to do so... please close your eyes...
Jacob will be very much a part of Bella's life in New Moon... and even more in Eclipse... i cried a bucket when Bella just realised that she is actually in love with Jacob too...
i cried again in book 4... during her beautiful wedding and when she is about to loose her life.... silly me...
I actually read these books with a critical mind but i am not going to say anything... however bizarre the things Stephenie Meyer put in these books especially in book 3 and 4... she has the right... its a fantasy love story for heaven sake...
Anyway... its a happy ending... where Bella got to keep all her love ones together... Edward... Jacob... Nessie... humans... vamps... wolves...(whatever).... safe sound and happy.... she is the true hero of this saga...not Edward...
Now..who's going to take me to see New Moon?... my hero is not very keen... he wants to see 2012...
And Tasha is going with her classmates... her friend's birthday bash... the parents are treating the girls to see New Moon....
Sounds like they are in Team Jacob... and mommy is too old to be in any team...
"anyway, you are already married, Mom"....