Because i am not in the mood of shooting new pictures.... here i show some pictures of Budok, the kitten... the apple of his Mama's eyes.....
The first thing his Mama will look for when she gets back from school is Budok....
"Budok....Budok.... where are you...mama dah balik ni"..... she will call...hehehe
And then she will ask me "Kakak dah kasi Budok makan?... has grown so fast... case you are wondering... Budok calls me Kakak ... because i refused to be called Grandma... itu Mama dia punya ultimatum...
"Mummy, you want to be Grandma or not?" ....
" way"
"Kalau gitu Mummy kena jadi Kakak okay?".....
"Okay" Kakak it is...hehehe....jangan marah....