Okay, untuk tatapan semua....ini la dia mesin tu. It is an embroidery machine... Memory Craft 350E from Janome.... takde la secanggih mana...but this will do very well for me....
Why did i buy this machine?....ummmmmmm...dunno...hehehe..
The story is like this.... last year, i went to have a look at another machine, Janome Harmony 2049 to upgrade my 20 year old Singer.... there i saw these two ladies learning to use the Memory Craft machine... they were making some embroidery for baju kebaya and baju kurung....immediately i fell in love with this machine.... the quality of the embroidery is surprisingly good to my standard... (of course, nothing can beat the exquisiteness of the the sulam goyang.... that is another story..)
I just stood there mesmerized, thinking."ooo no, i want this too!!" That day i went home empty handed, indecisive, confused.... macam orang angau ...hahaha..
Obviously, i cant afford to have both machines.... i need to have the Harmony 2049 for my sewing projects....yet what i really want is the other one...
So, not long after that i saw marissa_anuar of SKAC offering a voucher of RM500 on the forum.... i called her up and with her help i bought the the Harmony 2049 machine at a very good price... what a nice lady she is... she gave me the voucher for free!! i am so lucky ... thanks a million Ida....

Well... that was a few days before new year.... i knew then that the price of the MC 350E is going to go up after the new year...so, i paid a booking fees.... in case i really want that machine, i can still buy it later at the old price....a much much cheaper price...
To cut the story short(yey! this a long long story indeed).....i got the machine last week.... it is my 20th wedding anniversary present .....and here i am today as busy as ever... so many new things to learn.... how to sulam baju kurung, baju kebaya, tudung, sulam gambar Tasha suruh...etc.... but the most important thing is...i am so blissfully happy at the moment...and hope you are too, my dear friends....love u all...muahs...
My Verdict on the Machines:
Harmony 2049- best sangat mesin ni...sewing is such a pleasure...smooth jer.. betul tak dania?... macam2 tapak nak kena cuba ni...
MC 350E- best jugak... selain dari pattern yg boleh dibeli, ada free patterns boleh download from internet and kalau nak design pattern sendiri boleh beli software dia and design kat pc then sumbat kat mesin suruh dia jahit...hahaha... tu me belum ada lagi...nak! nak! nakkkkk!
Thank you guys for bearing with me... i know what it feels like when you dropped by and seeing my old expired post...what to do...blog bersawang syndrome dah melanda hehehe.... so sorry about that....i will try to make up for that...