My secret partner is who else but our dear Adik Manis,Musliha....
This afternoon when i went to the Post Office to collect my parcel, when the post worker was flipping thro' the bundle of registered items, i spotted my parcel right away .... i recognised Mus's neat handwriting.... what a nice surprise...
Ok...without further ado...lets us enjoy the view....
This is her beautifully stitched bookmark.... it is soooo... beautiful in my eyes...i keep staring at it all the way to my lil girl's school.... muahs... thank you very much Mus...
And with that, she gave me this cute crocheted cupcake...cik gumi2...alahai memang comel sesangat....
Then, there is a set of needles... hmmm very2 useful....
And a ball of white tatting thread... well, i really like this thread... i want to try crochet a doily from it... huhu... talking about big dream........
And here is the back view of the bookmark... see the fabric she used for backing?.... she remembers.... that is a pumpkin pincushion she gave not long ago...and i have actually made a very good use of that 'labu'...hehehe.
Thank very very much Mus for all goodies and pumpkin too...
Ps: oh DH said the bookmark is awesome....shantik!